5 Services by Michael Craig Building Consultancy Group

The Michael Craig Building Consultancy (MC) Group NSW Pty Ltd is a service provider in and around the Southern Highland of New South Wales. Here 5 important services provided by them.

Building Consultancy

If you are looking for purchase new building and you don’t know how to start searching than they guides you the necessary steps for that. There are some important points to keep in mind and some extra efforts to do before new purchase. The building consultant also suggest you how to build a building in particular area.

Building Maintenance

The old building is not safe to live because they build long time ago. So, it needs maintenance. The building maintenance is not an easy task. All part of building is inspected by inspector and he decides what works to do and how much time it will take. Sometimes this work may become too costly but with hiring MC Group you can do this work at affordable cost.

Building and Pest Inspection

The newly purchase building needs inspection. The building inspector along with pest inspector inspects all location of building and gives you detail report of building and pest inspection. The report includes photographs of affected area by pests and analysis of pest detection. The reports designed by inspectors are easily understandable and well designed.

Litigation Reports

The litigation report is prepared for presentation to the CTTT or district court. The litigation reports includes digital photographs of defects, Australia Standard or building code, manufacturer instruction and guideline and cost analysis of defect.

Dilapidation Reports

The dilapidation reports is undertaken at the start of project and then again at the completion of project. In this reports the experts take photographs of buildings or property which is adjacent to new construction. After completion of construction they again take photos and then compare both photographs and check that the new construction does not affect the old buildings or property.

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